Video: Supporters Embarrass Ogun PDP Gubernatorial Candidate, Ladi Adebutu Over Fake Vote Buying Credit Card


In the run-up to the 2023 gubernatorial election in Ogun State, one of the leading candidates, Ladi Adebutu of People Democratic Party (PDP), found himself at the center of a major scandal. His followers took to social media to publicly shame him for allegedly giving them fake vote buying credit cards.

According to several of Adebutu’s followers, they had allegedly received credit cards loaded with N10,000 each to buy votes on election day. The cards, which could be activated with either 0303 or 3030 as pin were said to be working perfectly as the smart ones among them cashed in on Sunday evening via POS machine.

However, it is a different story for some his supporters when they tried to use the credit cards, they discovered that they were fake. Some of the cards were declined at point-of-sale terminals, while others simply did not work at all. Many of the followers took to social media to express their disappointment and anger at Adebutu and his campaign team.

One of Adebutu’s followers took to his social media handle to share a video of how the cards got declined by POS.

Another follower around Remo North area of the state was caught saying “I can’t believe that Adebutu would do something like this. He promised us that he would give us money to buy our votes, but it was all a lie. He got our votes, he won in our local government but failed to fulfill his promises. The cards given to us are not working.”

The incident has caused a major embarrassment for Adebutu and his campaign team, who have not yet commented on the matter.

This shameful occurrence has raised concerns about vote buying and other forms of electoral malpractice in Nigeria. It also highlights the need for greater transparency and accountability in the electoral process, to ensure that candidates and their supporters play by the rules and uphold the integrity of the democratic system.

Check the video Bellow:


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