Arise News Nigeria: A Platform for Cynical Journalism or Balanced Reporting?- Opinion


In recent times , numerous media platforms have been scrutinized for their journalistic standards and ethics. One such platform is *Arise* *News* *Nigeria* a popular Nigerian TV network owned by ThisDay Newspaper publisher,Nduka Obaigbena.

While some critics argue that Arise News Nigeria promotes a form of cynical journalism ,others believe that it provides balanced reporting. In this article however, I will examine the accusations leveled against Arise News Nigeria and discuss whether these claims are warranted or not.

Arise News Nigeria has the perchant of indulging in cynical journalism due to its often critical and bias towards political and social issues. Journalists on the network often highlight the negative aspects of societal and political affairs emphasizing sensationalism over objectivity.

A media platform’s responsibility is to report the news even when it is critical or unfavorable. It is equally crucial to give voice to different perspectives, in this regard however,Arise News fall short, the analysts on the network are comfortable bringing people who share their views and when they bring those that dont share their views, you will see them debating them rather than interviewing them. Arise News Nigeria has made efforts to present cynical viewpoints as objective viewpoints.

In Journalism, it is essential to recognize that impartiality does not equate to neutrality. Rather it means incorporating multiple perspectives and providing a balanced representation of different viewpoints. In this regard ,the network has consistently strived to promote its partiality by inviting expert analysts and public figures from backgrounds that are essential to their objectives to present their views on current affairs and generally promotes these views as facts

Arise News Nigeria has also been recognized for her anti governments views. Her efforts to overlook government good deeds is legendary. The network has given voice to opposition of the government to critizise and maligne government officials and supporters.

Fact-Checking and Accountability:

One of the key tenets of responsible journalism is fact-checking accuracy. Arise News Nigeria has demonstrated a bias fact-checking mechanism. In the last senate screening exercise, a Reporter from the network accused the senate of being hypocritical just because he believes that a ministerial nominee attacking political opponents during political campaign is the same as a nominee calling the whole senators of the federation morons. This to me is unfair comparism and he convinently refused to appreciate the effort of the presiding officer in shelding the two nominees from attacks.

Moreover Arise News Nigeria actively castigate those in power and act as a mouthpiece of the opposition during the last election making it so glaring where they stand and who they support. This approach to me does not go with the tenets of good journalism of fairness.

In an era where media integrity is often questioned,it is imperative for practitioners to try to live above board and try not be seen as foisting their opinion as news. Journalists are meant to be impartial, ask for opinion of their guests and not be co-debaters. A Journalist telling a guest that “I’m going to prove you wrong” is not acceptable, your job is not to prove him wrong, your job is to allow him air his views and leave the viewer to form his/her opinion.

Deoye Otukoya is a Legislative Consultant and Public Commentator

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