Sade Balogun, Mr Ibile, Yinka Igbinoba’s Case: Activist Sandra Duru Writes IGP, Says Reinvestigate The Case As New Evidences Uncovered

Popular activist, Dr. Sandra Duru has wrote a petition to the Inspector General of Police monitoring Unit, requesting that IGP should cancel and reinvestigate the case between Amen Estate boss, Ms Sade Balogun, Harmony Garden and Estate Development Limited, Hon. Saheed Mosadoluwa aka Mr Ibile and one Adeyinka Igbinoba who’s alleged to be a defamatory guru.

Dr Duru emphasized on the reasons she is asking for a fresh investigation because she believed that the result of the previous findings by the IGP monitoring unit was biased, unprofessional, misleading, and maliciously damaging to the innocent brand and image of Ms Sade Balogun.


Following a recent report allegedly submitted by the Inspector General of Police (IGP) Monitoring Unit in the case between Yinka Igbinoba vs. Saheed Mosadoluwa Ibile and Madam Sade Balogun, we hereby seek to contest the reported findings and final recommendations of the report, as it is biased, unprofessional, misleading, and maliciously damaging to the innocent brand and image of our sister, friend, citizen, and close associate, Madam Sade Balogun.

A press release was also issued to this effect by the FPPRO, CSP Olumuyiwa Adejobi, on September 7, 2022, with Ref No. CZ.5300/FPRD/FHQ/ABJ/VOL.4/173, and we feel obliged to respond publicly, seeing that it was posted on the NPF official Twitter account and his other social media platforms, too.

The said press release was maliciously titled: “AMEN ESTATE CASE: POLICE DID PERFECT INVESTIGATIONS, JUSTICE – FPRO” with a rider that says: “Suspects only Crying Foul for Undue Sympathy, As Lagos Government Sets to Prosecute Culprits, Ibile.”

CSP Muyiwa Adejobi claims that the “police did perfect investigations” on this case in contention and alleges that the “suspects are crying foul for undue sympathy.”

However, both claims are as far from the truth as the heavens are as far from the earth, and we have irrefutable pieces of evidence, materials, and facts to prove this!

It may interest the public to know that in a recent phone conversation with CSP Adejobi on this same case in question, he openly admitted his shock, surprise, and ignorance about some very key and damning facts about this same case he claims was “perfectly-investigated,” yet some of the few facts we will point out below were alien to him. This is quite bizarre, isn’t it?

According to CSP Adejobi, the police’s “detailed investigation into the petition has successfully addressed the three (3) salient issues” about this case, and he presented those issues in his press release.

Due to some libelous and defaming claims made in this release and the police report, we have decided to painstakingly go through it, so that we can present the truth to the public.

And, having been privy to the situation before and several vital facts, that the investigators look to have shockingly omitted, missed, or deliberately ignored, here are our well-detailed observations and findings in two parts, and petition below:


(1) Complainant claims that her sisters wanted to purchase a piece of land from Saheed Ibile’s company, and “upon request, a copy of the title document being the C-Of-O was given to them for verification.” This claim is not only fallacious but ludicrous at the same time.

No sane business person would issue you a receipt for a good or release their goods on sale to you without you making payment or at least a deposit for the said goods. A land title deed can never be given to a “prospective customer” for any reason, unless money has exchanged hands, either as a deposit for the land, part payment, or what-have-you.

The claim that they were given that document, then later pressured to pay N30 million by the agent, is a bogus lie because that money was initially paid as a deposit to secure the said land before any document was released to them.

These trade facts are easily verifiable, and if a thorough investigation was indeed done, this claim should have been flagged.

(2) The complainant’a account of what transpired at Ibile’s office on the night her ankle was allegedly broken, by the former is terribly over-sensationalized, atrocious, and filled with several logical and even biological impossibilities!

Her “attempted murder” claims come from the events at this location, and if it is thoroughly investigated, these loopholes can be easily identified and queried.

(a) She claimed Ibile had “organized thugs in readiness to ambush them” yet further stated that it was just Ibile, the agent, and two other persons present during the meeting.

Also, she later stated that after Ibile allegedly broke her ankle and she raised the alarm, her driver, who was waiting in their vehicle parked outside, heard and rushed in to rescue her from the “organized thugs ready to ambush and kill her”, and none of them could stop him from carrying her out of the scene as she claims. What sort of fantasy superhero movie does this woman think she’s narrating?

It might also interest you to know that, while she claims her driver, who was outside the compound, heard her cry for help and rushed in to rescue her, she also says that her mother and siblings, who were inside the office, there neither heard her cry or even know that Ibile had done anything to her there in the corridor. All these statements were made on a public Twitter Space, are duly recorded, and are readily available on demand if the need arises.

(b) She claimed to have been attacked with a “carved wooden stick” that was used to break and bloody her ankle. Upon filing a report with the police and a formal investigation being opened, has any forensic evidence been found that clearly establishes that there indeed was a carved wooden stick where she claims, and that it was undoubtedly used as a weapon to attack and maim her physically?

(3) Complainant also claims that Madam Sade came to see her at the hospital, and “threatened her to withdraw the case against Ibile, else she won’t get her balance” and also “allegedly threatened her life, by restricting her and her family from entering their residence at Amen Estate.”

These claims, are not only disgusting lies but very malicious and cruelly sponsored ones too. The verifiable truth is that,she was the one who reached out to Madam Sade to intervene and mediate on the matter with Ibile, and that was all the poor woman was trying to do.

Regarding her “Amen Estate residence” claims, there was irrefutable evidence submitted and even published in the media, that clearly stated and proved that Igbinoba was never denied access to her “house in Amen Estate,” as she claimed.

On the contrary, she doesn’t even own a “house” there, as her alleged property is a piece of land with an uncompleted structure. There are documents, pictures, and even video recordings to prove this if anyone wants to contest its veracity. She doesnt live in Amen Estate.

All that transpired on the day she alleges she was denied access to the estate was clearly explained, verified, and never disputed or challenged after it was published in the media, with relevant documents as proof attached, even by Igbinoba herself.

Why is there now a recommendation for Madam Sade Balogun to be charged to court, on the count of “conduct likely to cause a breach of peace”, even after seeing and having all these facts?

Why is she being roped by the investigation team, into an attempted murder charge that is utterly baseless, unfounded, and maliciously constructed against her, to tarnish her image and reputation and destroy her brand?


(1) In an inexplicable show of alarming incompetence and disregard for the legal security of the body he supposedly communicates and publicly relates for, CSP Adejobi maliciously began the title of his press release against Madam Sade: “AMEN ESTATE CASE,” and this is the height of it. Still, it also reveals some very questionable motives.

Even a baby in Communications knows that, there is a massive difference between an individual and a legally established and registered organization, as they are both separate legal entities before the law.

Please, why in God’s Holy name would a FEDERAL POLICE PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER and supposed “Communications EXPERT” make such a ludicrous, unprofessional, and damaging error that has now made both him and his employers, (the Nigeria Police Force) liable to a lawsuit?

Was this a mistake or a calculated attempt to damage and de-market the Amen Estates brand? Madam Sade’s ex-husband BOG has always been doing this since she opted to divorce him, and he has been recorded bragging severally about his “great influence over the Nigeria Police” and even his relationship with CSP Adejobi. So, we ask again: Was that press release headline truly a mistake or something more sinister?

Besides, what has Yinka and Ibile’s civil matter of land buying in a completely different location got to do with Amen Estate? How does this add up to anyone, please?!

(2) The complainant, in her complaint, alleges that Ibile attempted to murder her at his office, but she was lucky to have escaped with only a broken ankle. She claimed that a “carved wooden stick” was taken from the reception and allegedly used to break her ankle when he missed his initial target, which was her head. She also claimed to have been recording the breaking of her leg and has everything recorded, and up till now she hasn’t provided the video. Police, where is the video and why didnt you mark it as an exhibit?

However, in the report’s submission, after listing out the alleged crimes committed, with the name of the complainant and suspects, the report clearly indicates that “no exhibit” exists, in this matter to back up the grievous allegations against the suspects.

The questions now are: Was there ever a “thorough” investigation? If there was, how in God’s holy name is the alleged “carved wooden stick” not admitted as an exhibit in the case, seeing that it was the alleged weapon Ibile wanted to “murder” the plaintiff with?

What did he want to murder her with then, if there is no single exhibit or shred of concrete evidence to that effect, and why is this report recommending such a severe charge that is obviously an exaggerated and sensationalized report against him and Madam Sade, who was not even present or aware of the meeting and everything until all these things had already transpired?

(3) There has been an established pattern of names dropping of reputable police officers by certain individuals who have proven over time to be unscrupulous and shady.

Now, while the said officers cannot be blamed for the lousiness of these individuals, they can indeed be held accountable if any of their words or actions correlate with whatever their lousy associates have said about them.

Case in point: A certain Eniola Daniels, who works with The Guardian Newspapers as a reporter, has been bragging about how he “knows CSP Muyiwa Adejobi very well,” he’s like “a son” to him, and how the Police FPPRO, CSP Adejobi is “going to swing the case in their favor since april last year and how Muyiwa has been working with someone in AG Lagos office and the name of the Hon. Attorney General and the Commisioner of Justice features prominently as the Babatunde Olalere Gbadamosi has been distributing Adeyinka Igbinoba whatsapp messages with the AG and one Dr Martins of Lagos DPP as assurance that they have been assures by the Lagos AG Office to persecute Saheed Mosadoluwa at all cost.” This was done publicly on a Twitter space, with several recordings.

It is also alleged that Madam Sade’s ex-husband BOG had reportedly contacted and promised the same CSP Adejobi a hefty reward from the Amen Estate Group if he could help him snatch it from the rightful owner, his ex-wife.

So, it is both alarming and shocking that the same CSP Adejobi recently published a part of the police report on his Twitter account and Facebook page, which publicly berates Madam Sade Balogun and Saheed Ibile and indites them on crimes they’re yet to be convicted of or even found guilty.

This is quite unbecoming and very unprofessional, too, and that Twitter thread ought to be deleted immediately! It is tantamount to defamation of character, and the Nigeria Police Force is liable and our call is the fact that Muyiwa Adejobi hide under the influence of his office as the Police PPRO to negotiated the frivolous report as he is everywhere obstructing the real interview.

(4) Is it not very unethical, too, for the Nigerian Police to issue public statements about a case that is still under investigation? Doesn’t this act compromise and could even jeopardize and negatively influence the eventual outcome of such cases?

(5) Why does it seem like there is a vendetta against Saheed Mosadoluwa alias Ibile because the recommendations of this report and another part their investigation should definitely be aware of but deliberately fails to mention is baffling, to say the least.

According to both parties, the matter of assault occasioning bodily harm and the outstanding part of the N30 million deposit between Ibile and Igbinoba had been amicably resolved at the police station, and both parties agreed to settle out of court.

The outstanding balance of N15 million was paid to her, and an extra N5 million was extorted from her by the ACP Musa and SP Akin Ogundile of IGP Monitoring Unit as compensation and damages for her injury to end the Muyiwa Adejobi oppressive influence on the case. So, why are the recommendations to prosecute him in court still being made after he had been made to pay such an amount of money and supposedly settle out of police case? Most expecially when the Investigation Officer forcefully collected the money to his personal accounts

Many things do not add up about this report and the true motives of those who prepared it. At this point, it is pretty clear that the integrity of this investigation and case has been gravely compromised.

Unless this is genuinely a witch-hunt and an attempt to subvert justice and abuse power, the only fair and honorable thing to do is to order a complete re-investigation/probe into the case.

And, if such a shoddy, lackluster, inept, and absolutely disgraceful charade is what CSP Adejobi proudly referred to as an investigation that “shows clearly that the Police carried out a laudable investigation worthy of commendation in the absence of sentiments,” then we are truly afraid for our country Nigeria, and the definition of “truth and justice” in her!

We humbly request that your office look into this matter and expedite speedy action on it immediately, please.

Also, anyone guilty of supplying false and misleading information to the police must be thoroughly dealt with as a deterrence to others in society.

Thank you very much.


Dr. Sandra C Duru










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